More on the State of B2B: Are Advertisers Our Competitors?

At a recent ASBPE Cleveland panel, B2B media industry veteran Joe Pulizzi suggested attendees should think of their customers as competitors. He said that customers are already creating content that competes with trade magazines, and more of them will do so in the future. From a recap of the discussion:
“Fifty percent of the advertising dollars they’re pulling back on are going into creating their own content,” Pulizzi said. “Right now 30 percent of customers’ marketing budgets are going to their own content and 70 percent is spent on paid placement. Over the next decade, that will flip.”
The full recap of the panel discussion is on the ASBPE National Blog.



Other Views on the State of B2B

Last month we recapped some opinions about where our industry is going. This month, three B2B executives gave their views at an ASBPE Kansas City chapter panel. Two were pessimistic about the dearth of print advertising; the third saw opportunity in the present and “lots of fun ahead!”

Read more about the execs’ outlook for B2B media.
