March 2009 State of the Industry banquet
State of the Industry Banquet a Success
Highlights from our panel on web publishing.
December 2006
TechTarget's Mark Schlack: Web Nearing End of Awkward Adolescence
At the chapter's Northeastern Region Azbee awards banquet, TechTarget's Mark Schlack shared some thoughts on the current state of web publishing.
June 2006
State of the Industry Panel and Holiday Social
At our Dec. 14 celebration, editors learned what the future holds for B2B media.
December 2005
Promote thyself!
At this event, editors learned how to get published and get noticed by the media.
May 2005
Advertorials: Boon or bane?
That was the question at chapter panel discussion.
April 2002
Dealing with problem sources
Is it ever okay to let a source review a story?
September 2000
How you can create a "franchise" survey
Advice from Folio magazine editor Tony Silber on conducting a high-quality reader survey. (Joint meeting with New York chapter.)
Labels: ASBPE Educational Programs, Meeting Recaps, State of the Industry