Folio: Hits the Road

At last year's ASBPE conference, Folio: editor Tony Silber floated the idea of taking Folio:'s conference on the road, doing one-day miniconferences in a tractor-trailer that would drive around the country and stop at various publishing companies. I blogged about it here.

It seems that now a modified version of that idea has become reality. This summer Folio: brought its Road Show, a one-day conference, to Washington, D.C. In August, the event hits Atlanta. In both cities, the seminar addresses the how to combine e-publishing with traditional media, "including specific strategies for trade, specialty and association publishers," according to Folio:'s web site.

So far, at least, the seminars are being held at hotels rather than in trucks parked in publishing-company parking lots.

No word yet on any Boston dates.
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