Oct. 19 ASBPE Webinar:
Managing the Editor-Freelancer Relationship in the Digital Age

Webinar is free to first 50 ASBPE members who register.

ASBPE's next Webinar will explore how the Internet is raising new questions about and methods for managing freelancers -- and requiring freelancers themselves to learn new skills.

For instance, some editors are exploring the idea of paying freelancers based on the number of page views or visits their articles generate. And freelancers will have to learn about podcasting, video, mashups, and more.

One of the speakers will be Chris Linquist, online editorial director for locally based CXO Media. The freelancer's perspective will be represented by Matt Bolch, a successful Atlanta-based freelance writer and editor.

Other topics to be discussed:
  • How much and when (upon acceptance, upon publication?) should a freelancer be paid?
  • What rights will the publication retain over the freelancer's work?
  • Should "kill fees" be publication policy? If so, how much?
  • How to develop long-term relationships with effective freelancers?
  • How should freelancers break into the B2B press?

The Webinar cost is $25 for ASBPE members or $35 for nonmembers -- but it's free for for the first 50 ASBPE members who register, or nonmembers who join at the time of registration.

Full Webinar registration details:

Date: Friday, October 19, 2007

Time: 1:00 to 2:00 pm EST

Cost: Free to the first 50 ASBPE members* who register $25 to ASBPE members who register after the first 50 registrants.
$35 to nonmembers

* Free to those who apply for ASBPE membership when registering ($75 for editors; $50 for freelancers) as well as for current members. Join ASBPE by emailing or faxing this membership form (71K PDF) to the attention of Steve Roll, ASBPE president, at b2beditor at gmail dot com or (703) 341-1625.

Membership includes, among other things, ASBPE's national newsletter, discounts for ASBPE's annual National Editorial Conference and Azbee Awards of Excellence competition, and access to original editorial-related research.

To register:

Fill out this registration form (33K Word doc) and e-mail it to Steven Roll, ASBPE president, at b to b editor at gmail dot com, or fax it his attention at (703) 341-1625.


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